In Which I Transform Tiredness into a Catastrophe Using Only the Power of My Own Mind

I’m tired. Which by itself is not a catastrophe. However, for me, tired tends to be accompanied by other, less benign thoughts and feelings. What happens is this:

  1. Notice urge to “rest my eyes” while standing in line at the grocery store/waiting for next client to arrive/attempting to wrangle screaming toddler/sitting on couch contemplating doing dishes/serving as jungle gym for climbing toddler.
  2. “Rest eyes” momentarily only to be jolted awake by nearly falling over.
  3. Think: I’m way too tired to do everything I need to do today, and I’m never going to be able to get everything done.
  4. Exhaustion and dejection creep in
  5. Think: I never finish anything. How am I ever going to be able to… write my novel/write consistently on my blog/make dinner/keep my house clean/catch up on paperwork/enjoy my life/complete anything in my life EVER, etc., etc., etc.
  6. Dejection begins to look like depression (of the miniature, not the clinical, variety).
  7. Watch a few episodes of Friends to take the edge off.
  8. Look at clock.
  9. Be Shocked and Appalled.
  10. Think: What have I done? The night is gone and I didn’t get anything done! 
  11. Guilt. Guilty guilt.
  12. Accomplish nothing. Flagellate self.
  13. Go to bed while anxiety simmers beneath surface.
  14. Toss and turn. Think: I should just get up and finish my paperwork since I’m not sleeping anyway.
  15.  Think: No, I will be so tired in the morning. Must sleep.
  16.  Think about things I need to do but am anxious about doing.
  17. Eventually drift into the restless, guilt-ridden sleep of the non-to-do list completing FAILURES (!!!)

You’d think I would be mildly depressed to see what is going on here, and to no longer be able to blame everything else in my life for my lack of productivity (who are we kidding, I’m sure I can still find a way), but I say unto you, nay. No, my friend, I am happy and laughing whilst observing my own insanity.
Because now I can change it. Theoretically. 😛


Throwback to newborn days. Tiredness is not a catastrophe for this little cutie.



  1. Sarah Lynn | 14th Jul 17

    OMG this is the most relatable description of a downward spiral I have ever read. Note the inevitable urge to rest your eyes that follows the guilt-ridden sleep of the non-list-completing failures. Does it ever end!? *raises fists to the sky and shouts* Maybe with a little laughter at your own insanity, I suppose 😉

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