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Daily Archives: May 28, 2018

Resisting the Urge to be Superwoman

I’m currently reading The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality, and the author, Kimberly Ann Johnson, puts forth the radical idea that the best way to heal from childbirth is… to rest. Not to hit the gym, not to get back into your skinny jeans asap, not to push yourself to exhaustion trying to prove that you don’t need help, not to keep an immaculate house… To rest. Unfortunately, I am a solid 4.5 months postpartum with Grace Girl, and only just now reading this book. I really could have used this information after my first baby was born and I headed back to grad school 2.5 weeks later. Or after Grace Girl was born and I inadvertently fooled everyone into thinking I was doing fine by going about fully dressed with brushed hair when in fact I was really struggling and crying about random stuff everyday. While I’ve considered the radical idea of taking a break before collapsing from exhaustion before and considered that just because I can push through to do more doesn’t always mean I…